14 March 2024

Oberlin Motor Nerve Transfer

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression neuropathy of the median nerve as it goes into a tunnel entering the hand. This is by far the most compression of any of the three peripheral nerve on the upper limb and it is a very disabling and generally painful condition […]
31 July 2023

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression neuropathy of the median nerve as it goes into a tunnel entering the hand. This is by far the most compression of any of the three peripheral nerve on the upper limb and it is a very disabling and generally painful condition […]
15 June 2023

Dupuytren’s Contracture

Dupuyren’s contracture is a genetic condition stemming from the Vikings. The condition involves the build-up of very thick scar tissue in the palm of the hand that grows towards the fingers, which tends to curl up the fingers. The condition is still poorly understood, […]
4 June 2020

Wrist Pain Doing the Downward Dog

The Orthopaedic literature suggests that up to 60% of the population will present with backache of such severity that they will seek medical help.  The fair majority […]